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Vand barca Monterey 224 FSX Onyx Red + motor 200 CP + peridoc
Vand barca Monterey 224 FSX Onyx Red cu motor 200CP si peridoc
Lungime: 6.90m
Latime: 2.60m
Capacitate: 8 persoane
Greutate: 1588 kg
Rezervor: 208litri
Motor: Mercruiser 4.5L 200CP Alpha One
Optionale incluse in pret:
• Monterey 224 FS with MerCruiser 4.5 L Alpha engine (200 HP).
• standard equipment and CE standard, model 2017
• Deck and hull stripe: black / red
• Hull and accents: FSX black / black
• FSX package content:
• -Extreme graphics package
• -Black hull and deck stripe
• -Black bathing platform and floor hatch
• -matching black windshield frame
• -Stainless steel package (includes: removable cleats, black urethane)
• Handles with stainless steel inlay and bug lights)
• -SeaDek on the bathing platform, gray
• Stern shower with pressurized water
• Bow and Cockpit cover
• Woven cockpit carpet
• Cockpit table with footer assembly
• GPS chart plotter Raymarine A67
• Bow filler cushion
Pret: 49.800 Euro fara TVA
Pret peridoc K20 : 3.100 Euro fara TVA
Plata externa factura fara TVA sau leasing